All four survey panels maintained by THE FINNISH RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE FOR PUBLIC OPINION (FIRIPO) are continuously taking in proposals for questions and entire surveys from the scholarly community.
If you or your research team are interested in asking survey questions in Finland about the opinions on democracy, societal issues, politics, political behaviour or communication and media, we invite you to apply for collaboration with one or more of our survey panels whenever it suits you best. Our panels are suitable for both cross-sectional or longitudinal designs. You can find more information about our panels here.
What does it cost?
The price for posing questions in our panels depends on your requirements regarding the type of sample, sample size, as well as the number and type of question items. FIRIPO is a non-profit infrastructure and the cost of collaborating with us only serves the costs of maintaining the panels.
How to submit questions
Simply send a short description of your research project including the information listed below to FIRIPO’s project coordinator Vilppu Kuusipalo (, and we will get back to you:
- Which of the four panels you want to pose questions to
- Your university / research center (affiliation)
- The topic and purpose of your research project
- The desired number of respondents
- The approximate number of questions (= individual survey items)
- The desired field period
What will you get from us?
We conduct a quality-check of all submitted questions according to established research praxis. If needed, we translate the questions to Finnish and/or Swedish. We reserve the right to reject questions that do not fit within the focus areas of our panels or are of insufficient scholarly quality. Regarding accepted questions/surveys, we handle the data collection process in its entirety. When data collection is finished, we compile a data file for you. We already have data on the most used background variables for the panelists and we include the ones you need in the data file alongside a statistical weight.
Do not hesitate to ask if you have questions and we look forward to your proposal!