Do you want to use our survey panels or laboratories?
Researchers and research groups can submit their proposals for questions or entire batteries of questions to our survey panels. If you are interested in doing collaboration with us, please fill your information in the form below and we will get back to you. The price of posing questions to our panels depends on the number of questions, the desired number of respondents as well as any complex or experimental study designs.
Note that if you want to organize a deliberation experiment, take instead directly contact with FIRIPO’s project coordinator Vilppu Kuusipalo If you want to organize a decision-making experiment at the University of Turku, contact If you want to organize a decision-making experiment at Tampere university, contact
FIRIPO requires that all research with the infrastructure is conducted according to the ethical principles of research with human participants and ethical review in the human sciences in Finland by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.
By sending in your application you accept our privacy policy.